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3 Tried and True Ale Adventures-Approved Hangover Cures

Ale Adventures Revitalyte

You know that feeling: The foggy head, pounding migraine and bloated gut the morning after, reminding you of all the fun you had out drinking the night before.

We’ve been there before, too; it sucks.

Then again, maybe it is good to feel that way every now and then, just to remind ourselves how awful it feels and to serve as a cautionary reminder for next time.

Of course, there are countless supposed “hangover cures”—water, caffeine, tomato juice, a bagel with cream cheese, greasy fast food, exercise, sleep, or hair of the dog.

This year, we’re focusing on responsible drinking and treating our bodies well. Sometimes we “feel it” the next morning after only one drink the night before, which can happen for any number of reasons.

We’re not here to say what works and what doesn’t work with certainty, but here are a few things, in no particular order, that seem to work for us.

1. DrinkAde

Ale Adventures

To be honest, we weren’t familiar with DrinkAde until just a couple of weeks ago. The fact that it’s on our list speaks to its effectiveness.

With two separate products—a preventative drink (red) and a recovery drink (blue)—DrinkAde markets itself with “Celebrate and Feel Great.”

The Prevention DrinkAde (pictured above) is a limeade-flavored formula that drinks easy. Available in 3.4-ounce bottles, you can down it in just a few gulps. Low calorie (5 per serving), sugar- and gluten-free, it’s also loaded with vitamin B, potassium, electrolytes, milk thistle, green tea extract, aloe vera and gotu kola. A single purchase will cost you $24.99 for a six-pack, or you can subscribe and save 20% for $19.99. Twelve-packs, 24-packs and other combination packs are also available.

Ale Adventures

The Boost DrinkAde (pictured here) is basically the Prevention except for its berry flavor, 189 miligrams of caffeine from Aribica coffee beans and extra B12. We found this one more difficult to drink than the limeade. Whether it was the flavor or the added elements, we’re not sure, but went down more like a shot of hard liquor. Then again, if that’s all it takes to kick that awful morning-after feeling, it’s probably worth it. Costs and available packages are the same as Prevention.

The taste of Boost aside, we were incredibly impressed by DrinkAde. We loved that we woke up the next morning feeling no signs of a hangover whatsoever (especially considering we expected one). No fogginess or headaches whatsoever. We definitely “felt great after celebrating” thanks to DrinkAde!

2. Propel

Ale Adventures

We drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated is important to us, and our 26-ounce water bottles are never far from reach.

That said, Adam didn’t always enjoy drinking water and early on would buy packets of Propel powder to mix into his bottle or glass of water. It made staying hydrated easy, and at just $1.98 a box it’s easily affordable. Now, if you’re looking for a sure fix, we wouldn’t necessarily say that Propel is as effective as, say, DrinkAde. But a glass of this before going to bed seems to curb any morning-after effects for us more often than not.

3. Revitalyte

Ale Adventures

Somewhere between Propel and DrinkAde we’d put Revitalyte.

Created and distributed in Minnesota by a couple University of Minnesota graduates, Revitalyte is marketed to both athletes and hangovers. “Designed with an optimal level of sodium and glucose,” the website says. Revitalyte claims “proven to rehydrate better than sports drinks, water, juice and soda.”

As far as taste, this one is the hardest of them all. We thought the mixed fruit flavor tasted a lot like cough syrup. At a full liter, this will certainly help keep you hydrated, though they do suggest only drinking half before you go to bed (after a night drinking, of course) and half the next morning.

If you can tolerate the taste, Revitalyte’s convenience is that you can find it in select liquor stores around Minnesota, saving you a second trip to a pharmacy for Pedialyte. Though at $4.99 a liter, it’s not exactly nickels and dimes.

All in all, our breakdown: If you’re looking for a quick-fix and cost isn’t an issue, DrinkAde is probably for you. For affordable and tasty, we recommend Propel. And if you value convenience over taste or cost, grab a bottle of Revitalyte.

Again, this is only our opinion, and results may vary. What have you found that seems to work for you?

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