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#summerplaylist Archives –

PorchDrinking Playlist | Summer Road Trip

August 15, 2017 |

Maybe you have already been on a road trip this summer, but if you haven’t yet, this playlist suits the road well. Turn it on, turn it up and cruise along! It’s only August, and there is still plenty of weekends before summer ends to get out there and enjoy a quick getaway. Even if you aren’t planning anymore getaways this summer—this is a good playlist for a weekend spent hanging out or, hell, do I even mention doing chores?! Nah, go do something way more fun than chores and take this set of songs along with you. Read More

PorchDrinking Playlist: All In Playlist

August 20, 2013 |

All aboard the A-Train, this is an All In Playlist to end all playlists. Alright, the jig is up this playlist all about… well… all things everything.  Over the next few months, we’ll occasionally feature playlists that center around specific words or phrases and today we kick off a playlist based on the word “all”.  With only a few weeks left in the summer, now’s your time to go ALL IN! Enjoy!

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