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#doxie Archives –

Awesomesauce | Dachshunds!

April 9, 2015 |

Confession time: I had a different article planned for Awesomesauce this week, but after falling down the rabbit-hole that is the internet due to the above video this week, I have a new obsession: DACHSHUNDS!

Spurred in part by this, the other viral doggie video of the week, I clicked on YouTube for (what I thought was) a hot second, and proceeded to waste about three hours of my life watching the cute suckers. I’ve always had a thing for Corgis, and I do love me a Basset Hound, so we’re going to chalk it up to my love of short-legged dogs (and not my obsession with all things canine itself)…really, I swear that’s it!

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