Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 49

Hey, hey, hey! How about a little Tuesday pick-me-up? I think I can help. Let’s get to twerk!
5. First, let’s get you relaxed, make you feel comfortable. Universal smile manufacturer: cute animals. Check.
4. From one squealing dawg to another…
3. Now here’s some “medicine” that makes everyone feel better…
Do you think this guy on the ‘The Price is Right’ yesterday had a lil’ Fireball in him?
2. “Apparently,” you need a little more from the InterNEAT. Here ya go…
1. I’d like to note back in January I said 2014 was going to be the Year of Chris Pratt. $94 million at the opening weekend box office for Guardians of the Galaxy, and I feel that much more confident. Seriously, if you haven’t seen it yet, do it.
Seriously, Guardians > Avengers.
See you in a .gif, Alex
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