Roundtable Discussion | Christmas Music

This week PorchDrinking tackles a widely debated issue: How early is too early to start listening to Christmas music? I started listening to Christmas music November 13. Was that too soon? According to our staff, yes, yes it was. I also wanted to know everyone’s favorite songs of the season (secretly so I could add them to my already ginormous Christmas playlist :)). Personally, I’m really digging Karen O’s rendition of “Marshmallow World” for Target, and I don’t think you can ever go wrong with Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” And Frank Sinatra’s Christmas album…classic. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
Laura Mego
NEVER until after the last bite of Thanksgiving dinner is swallowed- afterwards is fair game, but never before.
Kevin Risner
It doesn’t bother me when Christmas music starts up. But there are a few that always grate on me no matter when –the worst being Last Christmas by WHAM! I just can’t … My favorite is Nat King Cole’s Christmas Song.
Drew Davis
I can’t stand the twelve days of Christmas. In my opinion it is never the right time for that.
Traditionally I think after thanksgiving is the right time to start it. However, when I DJ I start playing it early due to the university schedule. With college students as our primary customer base and the university having exams the second week of December and then going on break, I typically start it at the beginning of November. There are very few songs that exist that make the entire bar erupt quite like Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas.”
Danny King
My Dad is basically a midget version of the ghost of christmas present, and hard of hearing, so basically 6 weeks before Christmas you can hear Phil Spector Christmas from the driveway on the house.
My sister adopted the same ruling for Love Actually. I’m pretty sure she’s at 5 viewings for the season so far.
Tristan Chan
An ex introduced me to the glory that is Cee Lo Green’s Christmas album… all joking aside it’s actually really solid. Also loving this tremendous rendition of Auld Lang Syne from our great friends at Run River North!
Joshua Kan
I agree with Laura Nicole, doesnt feel right until after Thanksgiving. Then you are free tolisten to Christmas music and fight your fellow man for a new flat screen.
Scott Hoffman
My family never put up any Christmas decorations until the weekend after Thanksgiving, and I’ve continued that tradition since moving to Denver. It doesn’t feel right to decorate/listen to holiday music any earlier.
And I love any holiday song by Sufjan Stevens – this is probably my favorite, though:
Brady Akers
My family always broke out the Christmas tree and Chimpmunks’ Christmas album about a week after Thanksgiving. I think Thanksgiving is a good starting point for starting with the Christmas music. You can get one pass if you host a holiday theme party earlier in the year (Xmas in July, etc.). As for Christmas songs, Run DMC’s Christmas in Hollis is #1 in my heart. I also love Chuck Berry’s Run Run Rudolph, Bing Crosby’s White Christmas and the Jackson 5’s Santa Clause Is Coming to Town.
Chris Day
I can only handle about half an hour of Christmas music before losing my mind, but in the spirit of the giving season, let’s say noon on Christmas Eve. Please make sure it’s Soul Saints Orchestra’s “Santa’s Got a Bag of Soul.”.
Sarah Hargis
Christmas music drives me crazy, for the most part. But I’ll listen to anything if you give me enough Kahlua and Whiskey-laced egg nog.
Drew Davis
Ugh, eggnog. I just threw up a little bit. Not judging anyone who’s a fan of it, but it is definitely not for me.
Brad Hartsock
Punk rock Christmas!
Niel Stender
Oh man, my parents always cranked these obscure faves: We 3 Kings from The Roches and Bells of Dublin from The Chieftans but MAN, I love those albums. And if I could fill up a bathtub with eggnog, I would bathe in it. Is there an eggnog beer? I want to go drink all of it.
Drew Davis
Stop it
Carly Mento
Too early = anytime before December 1st. When the day comes, I love to jam out to Bruce Springsteen’s “Merry Christmas Baby” at least once a day. #SorryImNotSorry
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