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americanwerewolfinbelgium Archives –

The Ultimate 6er | Trick R Treat!

October 28, 2015 |

Halloween is my favorite holiday. Something about the crisp fall air and the leaves changing colors has always pulled at my heart strings. Growing up in Colorado, we would always wait for the 31st of October and crossing our fingers that it wouldn’t snow so you didn’t have to wear a coat under your costume. Fast-forward a bunch of years and the holiday still has me twisted. I look forward to picking out my costume, planning on which parties I can attend and planning my must-try beers to go along with my favorite Halloween movies. My favorite Halloween movie is without a doubt, Trick R Treat. The one from 2007 and not the 80’s one. Sure, the 80’s film is great for all of its metal mischief but it can’t hold a candle-in-a-jack-o-lantern to the Samhain anthology of stories that intertwine and enthrall you into following all of the Halloween rules!

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