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#Brazil2014 Archives –

World Cup Preview Part One: Groups A, B, D, and G

June 12, 2014 |

For soccer junkies like me, today begins the greatest month every four years. The time when the sport known to the rest of the world as futbol dominates highlights of sports networks, even here in the United States. The time when half of the world arrives at work sleep deprived from waking up in the middle of the night to watch their team play. The time when you just hope your boss is alright with you taking off early to swill beer (hopefully of the craft variety) and chant with your fellow countrymen to root on your national team. It is our playoffs and Super Bowl all wrapped up into one month with games on every day. For the soccer junkie, this is our fix  it keeps us going, ups our tolerance, and leaves us wanting more when it is all over. Time to get hooked. Here is the first half of your guide to all of the teams and players, dramatics and theatrics that are the biggest sports spectacle in the sports world, the FIFA World Cup. Read More

Tips for Watching the World Cup

June 9, 2014 |

Having been involved with soccer since I was old enough to kick a ball, I have found it difficult at times to be a soccer fan in the good old U.S. of A. For most of those years, a stigma came with both playing and watching soccer, and it was not a pleasant one. Most of it had to do with people not knowing the game, and America not being at the foreground of the sport. However, in the last decade a soccer playing generation have become adults in America, and with their maturation has come the evolution of soccer as a popular sport to watch. Read More