Dr. DisRespect Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Twitch + Beer | A Few Options to Enjoy While Watching Live Streams
November 5, 2019 | Karen MillsTwitch has become an increasingly popular platform since it launched back in 2011. Now, in 2019, the platform reported having over 15 million daily active users who watch video streams. Although Twitch streams cover a plethora of genres, market researcher Newzoo reported that eSports account for 21.3% of Twitch viewing; Which doesn’t really come as a surprise with the popularity of Fortnite and gaming influencers/professional gamers such as Dr. Disrespect, Tfue, and Ninja (who actually announced an exclusive partnership with Microsoft’s Mixer streaming platform so he is no longer active on Twitch). Like many other activities, cracking a beer while watching your favorite stream can only enhance the experience. Although I personally have not dabbled much in the world of Twitch, I’m very fortunate enough to be dating someone who is. So, he was not only able to teach me more about one of his passions, but help me pair it with one of our shared passions: craft beer!
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