#January Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Stone Brewing Co. | Master of Disguise Imperial Golden Stout
January 22, 2015 | Josh Buchanan
9.7% ABV
National Release/ Limited Season
As is usually the case this time of year, dark weather brings out the dark beer in my libation rotation. Shying away from the conventional brewed coffee, the stout has become my go-to for comfortable drinking. Spending time in Ireland just recently, my liver has come to expect little else than the delicious homemade Guinness that really isn’t the same on this side of the Atlantic. Coming back after a fair share of Black & Tan’s and Baby Guinness Shots (the most delicious shot if Kahlua and Baileys are up your alley), I spent a fair amount of time during the Holidaze getting reacquainted with Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout, Sierra Nevada Stout and the annual Christmas Car Bomb (while abroad, order at your own risk, fyi).
PorchDrinking Playlist January 2014
February 4, 2014 | Scott Hoffman 1Still working your way through 2013 music? We make it easy for you to catch-up with the releases from the first month of 2014 with this handy playlist! Highlights include … Read More
PorchDrinking Playlist- New Music January 2013
February 5, 2013 | Scott HoffmanIs the Super Bowl back up yet? Yes? OK, well, we’re back with the playlist for new music January 2013. There have been a surge of amazing artists releasing albums and singles this month. David Bowie? JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE? Local Natives? It’s been a good month.
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