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PorchDrinking Playlist: Zoo Animals Playlist

What does the fox say

In honor of this week’s upcoming Brew at the Zoo, I decided to compile a playlist of songs relating to zoo animals. Our top three songs obviously featured Lions, Tigers and Bears but from there on we’ve got everything from Crocodile Rock to bands like Elephant Revival.

I think it’s also safe to say that this week’s playlist was also slightly inspired by this gem, Ylvis – The Fox, that Alex featured earlier today:

Without further ado, here’s your Zoo Animals Playlist:

Also enjoy this phenomenal performance by up and coming British band, Bear’s Den, accompanied by Mumford and Sons’ fiddler Ross Holmes.


  1. Drew

    Fully expected “Pompeii” to be a cover of the Bastille song. Now there are two songs with that name that I like!

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