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Pop Culture Week in Review 2/15-2/21

Pop Culture Week in Review 2/15-2/21
  • On February 21, 2014

What has been happening this week? I mean, seriously, other than the Olympics. TGI time for a Pop Culture Week in Review with Caitlin!

Ellen Page is honest with us…FINALLY

After minutes of rumors that the Juno actress might be gay, Page says, “ENOUGH.”  And good for her for doing it.

Jimmy Fallon made his Tonight Show debut

This happened the first night….

This happened the second night….

As I write this, the third night hasn’t aired yet but…um…can you believe that thing that happened! Wasn’t it funny/sad/heartwarming?  And what about that interview with that person!? OMG! STUFF and STUFF!

Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer Came Out and Actually Made Me Want to See Guardians of the Galaxy

Thought it’s still not made clear why Karen Gillam had to shave her head.

And We Also Have This To Look Forward To


  1. Drew

    Gotta hand it to Fallon… a pretty solid first week.

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