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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 50

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 50
Alex Cadice

Happy Tuesday, y’all! It’s the big 5-0 here at the InterNEAT. Age is just a number. Gotta keep hitting the ground running. No dilly dallying. Gotta commit and risk the consequences, just like my man Ian.

#TeamBoone #TeamAriana

5. August is always a great time, chock-full of excitement, especially when it involves a remote control.

4. I had a similar reaction when I first laid eyes on Michael Tyznik’s GoT genius.

thrones-westeros thrones-world thrones-key

Click here to see the entire Westeros transit map in full-size images and posters.

3. The maps are great because they tweak on something already awesome. Here’s the same idea, but down a different path.

2. I’ll admit I’m not the most knowledgeable person on the hip-hop front, but I think you could be equally surprised by these performances.

The Manning Boiz strike again.

We got the Swedish Chef, Animal and Beaker. “So What’cha Want” from them?

In case the world ever hits a Shaggy shortage…

1. I like Jason Sudeikis almost as much as I like Chris Pratt, and I like Ted Lasso as much as I like Jason Sudeikis.

See you in a .gif, Alex


Side Note: RIP, Robin Williams: A man whose IMDB page is legitimately as strong as anyone there ever was or ever will be. Thanks for all the great moments.

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