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Awesomesauce | Spring Has Sprung

Laura Mego

We’ve finally reached that simultaneously magical and depressing time of year: lent. Mardi Gras is over, every fast food joint in town has advertisements for fish sandwiches on TV, and the awesome/dreadful daylight saving time adjustment is upon us (am I the only one who gets thrown off for a solid week or so when this happens?!)

So much for the awful; I always get excited this time of year, since I know that spring is just around the corner. Triggered by the first glimpse of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg advertisement on TV, sometime around mid-March (regardless of weather) I get a little excited for the pending season change, and here’s why:
Seasonal Brews
As we’ve outlined in detail today, we’re pretty excited for some new seasonal beer releases. Check out our full list of can’t-wait-for-em brews on the front page, and get psyched for all-new flights, growlers, and ultimate 6ers.

I may be alone on this one, but I LOVE me some daffodils. I feel like no matter how nasty the previous winter was, they always timidly emerge before they ought to in order to brave the elements and bring me some cheer. See also: hyacinths, and later in the season, tulips.

The passing of Mardi Gras can only mean that Easter (and consequently) Easter candy is on its way! Nothing heralds the arriving spring quite like marshmallows shaped like baby chickens rolled in neon sugar. I came across “Mystery Peeps” in the grocery store yesterday, and I’m not quite sure what they are, but there’s only one way to find out… Bonus: Peep jousting is the BEST way to use up your rock-hard week-after Peeps…trust.

The first car ride with the windows down
We all do this; there’s no denying it. The first day that you can roll the windows down, throw on some shades and just drive is heavenly. I did this the other day, and it wasn’t even 50 degrees outside (its been a COLD winter in Ohio…)

The best holiday there is- Love and Honor!

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