Mornington Peninsula Brewery | Porter

The spectrum of sudsy options in Australia quite often ranges from a crisp apple cider to a mainstream macro lager. The big names in beer monopolize the tap list and keep the poor Aussies from even knowing what they’re missing. Luckily, a short road trip out of the city brings you into the bush, beyond the grasp of big beer. There you’re surrounded by wineries and cheese, but nestled amongst the gumtrees I stumbled across a gem of a brewery – named for the place that it calls home – Mornington Peninsula Brewery.
Mornington is a breath of fresh air amongst macro lagers that are brewed and poured without a second thought all throughout Melbourne. Mornington’s porter specifically instills hope that there are folks down under doing the same amazing things to hops and water that I’m used to from the brewmasters back home.
Mornington Porter pours clean and dark, with a modest caramel head. In mouthfeel it mimics the coffee that the city is famous for, a Long Black that is strong and deliciously unapologetic. Between the two beverages, you have the bookends to a perfect day. Unlike the coffee, this porter leaves a sweet aftertaste rather than bitter. It’s reminiscent of caramel and chocolate, and it’s inviting enough to tempt you to opt for a pint (20 oz), or maybe even a jug (40 oz).
Mornington’s lineup is full of home runs, but this one takes the cake. In a land of lagers and pilsners that do more to praise the queen and advertise rugby than they do to entice the palate, I’m grateful for the guys at Mornington for the smooth, relaxing experience their porter affords.
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