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equity Archives –

Bringing Culture to the Cup: NB2A Revolutionizes Craft Beer

June 11, 2024 |

Craft beer has always been a staple of local communities, serving as a gathering point for people to share stories over a pint. The sense of belonging and support from local patrons fueled the growth of craft beer during its peak years. However, there’s a significant opportunity yet to be fully realized—the untapped potential of Black consumers and brewers in the craft beer industry.

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The Craft Beer Industry Has A Labor Problem

July 19, 2022 |

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Mark Twain

For most craft beer industry workers, this couldn’t ring more true. The idea of turning a homebrewing hobby or a passion for craft beer into a flourishing career seems like a dream scenario. The way other people’s eyes light up when someone mentions they work in craft beer is priceless. Feeling like you have a job that others outside of the industry can only wildly dream about makes beer folks feel as though they have something really special, but are things really that great, or is the beer labor force being gaslit by the false pretense of job satisfaction, security and just plain fun? As the industry matures and evolves, being one of the “cool kids” in the beer industry isn’t all backslaps and beer shots, it’s become more about workers’ rights, workplace safety, and earning a living wage.

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Braven Brewing Company Offers Equity to Investors

March 23, 2016 |

Our friends at Braven Brewing Company are growing fast — almost too fast, to keep up with the demand for their deliciously crafted beer offerings. In an effort to build their own brewery brick & mortar, so as to personally serve their quickly converted customers, they have turned to crowdsourcing. Read our Q&A with Braven owners Eric Feldman & Marshall Thompson below to find out how you can contribute & acquire equity!
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