#Narwhal Archives – PorchDrinking.com
What We’re Drinking | October 16, 2020
October 16, 2020 | Seth GarlandThe names of the days of the week have similar origins in Spanish and English — they’re named after Roman/Greek/Norse gods, for the most part. But Saturday is different. Saturday in English is named after Saturn (Roman god of agriculture), whereas Saturday, in Spanish, (Sábado), gets its origins from “sabbath” (or “shavat”) meaning “to rest.” We usually think of Sunday as the day of rest. But if you’ve ever wondered why we consider Sunday the first day of the calendar week, now you know: Rest happens on the seventh day of the week, which is technically Saturday. Etymology is fascinating. So party it up tonight and rest tomorrow.
We’re also in the month of October — from the latin “octo” for eight. The eighth month. Except really it’s the 10th month, and nobody bothered to change it when we transitioned to the 12-month calendar circa 700 B.C. I feel that; I don’t change my clocks for daylight savings time. They’ll be right again in six months, so why bother. None of this has much to do with beer, but our brains could all use a break from politics. Anyway, it’s Friday, you’re done with the work week, and it’s time to crack open a few beers. Here’s What We’re Drinking this week.
Ultimate 6er | Is BCBS Still the King of BA Beers?
December 20, 2017 | Mathew PowersEach year, throngs of beer fans ignore industry arguments and engage in the annual Black Friday hunt for Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout (BCBS). It’s difficult to argue its historical significance, current popularity and quality. But, do people covet BCBS due to its quality or because of its fame? Or, is it a little of both? There’s no right answer, and there’s no judgement to be given for choosing either option. But, maybe it’s not really about choice as it is a sign that the BCBS fame can’t last forever.
Maybe, what we are seeing is a slowly evolving beer revolution akin to the bloodless 1688 Glorious Revolution in England that ousted a King and forever put the government in the hands of Parliament. BCBS isn’t going away and it will likely always be revered. However, other beers might well supplant its power within the market and on social media.
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