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Awesomesauce – StumbleUpon

Laura Mego

StumbleUpon is an extension for most web browsers that allows you to discover some of the coolest sites you’ve never heard.  Billed as a “discovery engine,” StumbleUpon’s goal is to find amazing content on the internet that you’ll love.  How, you ask?

Download the extension for your chosen browser.

Set up your preferences- likes, interests, adult content or no, and hit go.

StumbleUpon adds a Stumble button to your internet browser’s toolbar. When you need a new Web site, simply hit the Stumble button, and the service will serve you up a page tagged with one of your interests.

You can thumbs up or thumbs down the content that is displayed, which teaches StumbleUpon more about your likes and dislikes.

Also embedded in the Stumble toolbar is a sharing feature. You can instantly post what you find to your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. There is an email feature, too, so you can send a cute puppy picture directly to your mom if Facebook isn’t her thing.

If you have friends on the service you can share sites that you find directly to their Stumble toolbar, witty comments included. Pro Tip: you can spend entire nights sitting next to your significant other on the couch and communicate entirely via StumbleUpon. I speak from experience. You know you’re jealous.

Once you’ve advanced past the basics, check out their StumbleThru feature which allows you to stumble exclusively within sites like YouTube. Or, use the Stumble By Category and Search features so you can stumble all cute puppy pictures, all the time. You’re welcome.

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