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PorchDrinking Playlist | Songs About Porches

porch beers

For those of you who have been with us since the beginning this playlist may look a tad familiar. Last year to commemorate our 1 year anniversary I curated this playlist chock full of songs about porches. Here we are a year later and tomorrow we celebrate the 2nd birthday of  We’ve come a long way from the gun-slingin wild wild western days of 2012.  And while some writers have come and gone and some beers have revealed themselves as 8th wonders of the world, and others have left us with much to be desired, one thing has remained a constant along the way.  When it gets down to the core of who we are, we’ll still draw inspiration from drinking on the porch with good friends.  So today on this eve of our 2nd Year Anniversary we bring you even more songs about porches.



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