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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 60

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 60
Alex Cadice

Well, well, well, another Tuesday, another InterNEAT. The sporting world is coming to a head with the start of hockey, basketball AND the World Series. It seemed fitting to dedicate today’s edition to the subject.

  1. First, you gotta know what you’re talking about…

  1. It’s always nice to find a way to connect sports to pop culture…

  1. …even if you have to go extremely niche.

  1. Don’t be afraid to bring in loved ones.

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Click here to find out more about the upcoming NBA season…via Tinder.

  1. Finally, when something in sports goes incredibly viral, don’t just post about it once. Last week, I showed you some “Out of Nowhere RKO’s.” I had no idea I was only scratching the surface.

And with Hell in the Cell coming up on Sunday, I believe everyone should see arguably the best match in WWE history.

See you in a .gif, Alex

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