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PorchDrinking Playlist | Classical Music Playlist

PorchDrinking Playlist | Classical Music Playlist
Ellie Thompson

Have you ever imagined Beethoven as a homebrewer? Or perhaps ever considered Vivaldi’s ale of choice? As one of the most historically rich beverages, beer, more specifically, “ale”, has been around since as early as 5000 BC. It is a drink that has (and is) consumed by the ancient Egyptians and PorchDrinking aleophiles alike. Germany and England were foundational producers and consumers of ale, which, coincidentally, were countries also responsible (along with Italy, of course) for birthing some of the most ingenious and highly revered classical musicians. Why the history lesson, you ask? ‘Tis because this week’s playlist emulates beer in it’s rich musical history, paying homage to Baroque style Classical musicians such as Vivaldi, Beethoven, Purcell, and Handle.

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