Bell’s Brewing Co. | Uranus – The Magician

Uranus – The Magician
Black Double India Pale Ale
ABV: 9.5%
Bell’s Uranus – The Magician, is the sixth release in the Planet Series inspired by Gustav Holst’s seven-movement orchestral suite, The Planets. Uranus is a Black Double IPA loaded with citrusy and tropical flavors, along with a color that is black as night. Possessing an illusion of color, taste, and smell, this beer will have you believing in all of its tricks.
Now, if you have read some of my previous articles, you probably know by now, that I’m a child when it comes to immature jokes and stupid puns. Well this beer is a real kicker for me. First off, I’m sure we have all had many laughs on the playground after we learned about the planet Uranus. Yea, still laughing about that one. Secondly, Holst refers to it as The Magician. Now I love me some magic, but I’d never thought I would be associating magic tricks with Uranus. Although Uranus may be a magical planet and hard to get to, there’s only so much magic it can take. Which then makes me think of Magic in the Night, which is a whole other thing. However, that is me being a child. This beer is absolutely delicious and if you’re looking for a little Magic in the Night just read Rob Kirkpatrick’s biography of Bruce Springsteen, cause that’s a thing.
Now that we’ve gotten all the giggles out…children, let’s talk about the actual beer. Uranus pours dark as night, which sounds like a terrible medical condition. Okay, sorry, no more jokes. The body portrays the darkness of the night sky, with a subtle milky rim lingering along the glass. Yes, just like the Milky Way. The nose is one of the most impressive parts of all. Big citrus punchy aromas of pine, tropical fruits, floral, and roasted coffee. The flavors consist of everything from stone fruit, citrus, resin, and a smooth chocolatey finish. Uranus is one of the smoothest and creamiest Black Double IPAs I’ve ever had. And no, I don’t just say that to every Black DIPA. Also, we are going to start referring to this beer as The Magician. I can only take so much beer coming out of my nose.
Gustav was not laughing when he wrote the sixth movement in his suite. Although this movement is the musical climax of the suite… no, he was not laughing, well maybe, but probably not. He created a masterpiece and that’s that! So in The Magician (Uranus) you will experience a subtle joviality, playfully sounding throughout the first few measures with big bolts of marching brass and percussion. Then, suddenly Uranus takes a quick turn with a drop in tempo, one last large resounding note from the tubas, and then into a softening decrescendo. By now, my straight face is gone. I’m imagining an English narrator going over each bar and referring to the piece as Uranus the entire time. I’m positive they skipped this movement in Music class for children. Seriously though, Holst wrote The Magician to be the last jubilant surprise of his suite. Following Saturn, the piece portraying the painful realization of aging, Holst wanted to surprise his audience with a bit of magic. Aging can be a joyful and exuberant experience. I think this guy nails that whole concept. We remember our elders for the fun, exciting times we have had with them, not the slow and tiring times. The climax of the piece is right before the end, where Holst will follow into his final movement, Neptune, The Mystic, which will conclude the orchestral suite.
Since this post is so late in the game compared to when the beer was released, you won’t have to wait long at all until Neptune is released. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s just now leaving the bottling line and hitting shelves near you, that is if your lucky and within their distribution (sorry Denver). It’s been a long series, and I cannot wait to try the final brew, so stay tuned, only one more mystic stout to go!
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