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Star Wars: The Hype Awakens | *Updated November 29*

Star Wars: The Hype Awakens | *Updated November 29*
Drew Troller

This is week six of The Hype Awakens,’s Star Wars-centric journal of one passionate nerd who’s very excited for The Force Awakens to come out. If you’re new to the blog, you can catch up here:

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A link to the latest post from today (Sunday)

Sunday, November 29

Thanksgiving and Black Friday made it clear: ’tis the season for Star Wars.

This week, it’s officially socially acceptable to start playing Christmas music. Thanksgiving is over, the temperatures continue to drop, December is within grasp, and it’s the holiday season. You know that co-worker or friend who has been listening to Christmas music since before Halloween, though? That’s me when it comes to Star Wars. It’s three weeks until the big holiday, and I’ve been decorating for a month and a half now. Maybe not an apt metaphor, but you get the picture.

In any case, the day is fast approaching. And with it, the merchandising and marketing is only getting more intense. On Black Friday, there were entire shelves and floor displays of The Force Awakens stuff. There were toys, beer koozies (if anyone on the PD staff wants to do a gift exchange, you know what to get me), and even hoodies. By the way, it’s kind of weird to me to see kids wearing Kylo Ren tank tops. Until I’ve seen the movie, that just looks to me like an Adam Driver tank top.

Girls Adam Driver
The new face of the Star Wars galaxy.

And along with all that merch, expect spoilers. Good luck to anyone who doesn’t see The Force Awakens opening weekend. No office water cooler will be safe. That’s what the Hollywood Reporter is speculating, anyway. Spoilers will abound. Not here, though. I haven’t decided the fate of this little journal after the December 18th release – Do I review the movie? Do I quietly go away? – but I can promise that at no point will I be spoiling the movie.

To three more weeks of hype! May the Force be with us all.

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