PorchDrinking Playlist | Brand New

About 14 years ago, on a mix CD made up of songs downloaded by my buddy solely from Kazaa, I listened to Sic Transit Gloria … Glory Fades for the first time, and I was introduced to Brand New, the Long Island Emo/Punk Pop band. Immediately, I fell in love with everything they were about from their counter melodies to their feud with Taking Back Sunday (another band I loved at the time … and still enjoy quite a bit). Their early music captured all the suburban angst a wannabe punk kid from Montana like me could muster.
Brand New progressed from their earlier sound to a way less poppy alt-rock sound with The Devil and God are raging inside of me. It was an acquired taste for me, but has been much more satisfying the longer I let it and my music palate age. The same goes for their 2009 album Daisy.
Late last week, the band suddenly dropped their latest (and maybe last? maybe not?) album, Science Fiction. I’m sure my coworkers have totally loved watching me totally rock out at my stand up desk to this newest album all week!
Feature Image Source: Brand New, via social media
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