#ColoradoRockies Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Best Craft Beer Options Near Coors Field for Opening Day
April 2, 2018 | Holly GerardAfter a very exciting World Series wrapped up in November we couldn’t help but wonder what the spring would bring for baseball! After many interesting trades during the off-season, Home Opening Day 2018 is finally upon us and we can’t wait to cheer on the Rockies! To start your celebrations off right, we’ve rounded up some great craft options in Denver for the Colorado Rockies home opener on Friday, April 6. Whether you’re want to pregame or are looking for a nice spot to settle in with a beverage and watch it on TV, we’ve got some great options for you!
Ultimate 6er | Great Beers to Guzzle While Watching the Boys of Summer
April 12, 2017 | Jordan PalmerFew things go better together than baseball and beer. In my hometown of St. Louis, having your first beer at a Cardinals game is a right of passage enjoyed by generations of St. Louisans. There is nothing better than sipping a cold one on a hot summer day while cheering on your team, or jeering your team’s opponent. But only in recent years has craft beer started taking off at ballparks around the league, offering new and better options for baseball-loving beer fans other than those from the largest breweries in the land.
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