#EnglishIPA Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Starr Hill Brewery | Vernal Equinox English IPA
February 8, 2017 | Scott Johnson 1ABV: 6.1 | IBU: 40
For any serious homebrewer, the ultimate dream is for one of their recipes to ultimately reach out to audiences beyond their immediate reach. Starr Hill Brewing, located in Crozet, Virginia, has made that dream a reality when recreating the Vernal Equinox English IPA.
Left Hand Brewing’s 400 Pound Monkey
May 23, 2013 | Jason BehlerLeft Hand Brewing 400 Pound Monkey
6.8% ABV
An ominous red handprint blazoned on the neck of the bottle: does it indicate pain or does it indicate pleasure? Judging by … Read More
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