#scottish Archives – PorchDrinking.com
McClellan’s Brewing Co. | Wulver IPA
January 18, 2021 | Elijah Rivera 1The IPA is easily one of the most lauded, debated, romanticized and scrutinized beer styles the world has ever known. Passionate beer brewers and drinkers alike have experienced the rise of the American IPA as a dominant force in the beer market starting with the American craft beer revolution and continuing as an influence in craft beer internationally. Many are familiar with the abridged IPA origin story: IPA evolved as a high alcohol, massively hopped beer, conditioned during the long sea voyage from England to India. While that tells part of the story, McClellan’s Brewing Company’s Wulver IPA also plays a part in that story, and it’s a delicious way for both IPA and non-IPA drinkers to connect with the history of the style.
Brewery Showcase | McClellan’s Brewing Company
January 29, 2018 | Bryan Oldham 2Fort Collins is what some would consider the genesis of craft beer. Names like Odell, New Belgium, 90 Schilling and Fat Tire are synonymous with the craft beer movement and the renaissance of delicious drinks that have flooded the United States in recent years. The volume of newcomers to the brewing scene increases while the available real estate decreases, meaning it can be hard to set your new entry into the game apart from the rest. Rookies and veterans alike are trying to poke their heads out of a large crowd, which leads to the question: what separates a brewery from all the rest? That is a question McClellan’s Brewing Company has begun to answer.
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