#Viennawine Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Barrique Brewing | Barleywine Double Feature
February 11, 2025 | Eric GriffinLast February, we hit the ground running after Dry January and highlighted a special collab from the Barrique Brewing and Blending team in Nashville, Tennessee. Now, a year later, we’re back with a double dose of barleywine from the Barrique crew.
Barrique Brewing | Static Between Worlds Vienna Wine
June 13, 2024 | Eric GriffinThose who have extensively followed Barrique Brewing and Blending know that they’re in for a treat whenever a new “wax top” release is announced. While often high gravity and brewed in small batches, one thing that always holds true is that these releases are particularly special to the team in Nashville. Static Between Worlds was no different. A collaboration with former Orpheus Brewmaster—and current owner and Head Brewer of The Hollows in Amsterdam, Netherlands—this massive Vienna Wine sought to capture the essence of the past and promise of what’s to come through a complex tapestry of flavors.
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