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News Week in Review- 10/15-10/21

News Week in Review- 10/15-10/21
Laura Mego

Binders Full of Women

With a new, increasingly plugged-in generation coming of voting age, this election is arguably the first where social media has played a substantial role in the race. While most voters were simply happy that Tuesday night’s Presidential Debate was actually watchable, the internet took particular delight in some of the candidates’ more colorful slips of the tongue. Case in point: within minutes of Mitt Romney’s now infamous “binders full of women” comment, there were new Facebook pages, Tumblrs, and several Twitter hashtags and handles poking fun at the gaffe.

Lance Armstrong Resigns from LIVESTRONG Chairmanship

After years of dodging doping allegations, Lance Armstrong announced in late August that he would no longer fight the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s case against him. Now, the agency has released it’s body of evidence against Armstrong. As a direct result, Armstrong removed himself as Chairman of LIVESTRONG, the charity he founded in 1996 to aid cancer patients and their families. In a published statement on LIVESTRONG’s website, Armstrong said that he stepped down from the Chairmanship “… to spare the foundation any negative effects as a result of controversy surrounding my cycling career.”

That’s Some Pig!

October 14 marked the 60th anniversary of “Charlotte’s Web,” E.B. White’s beloved tale of the unlikely friendship between a pig and a spider.  Show your love with a t-shirt to commemorate the occasion.

Party-Hopping Senator Passes

Arlen Specter, the longest serving senator in Pennsylvania history, died Sunday of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 82. Specter was well-known for his work on the Warren commission, his time on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and his role in 14 different Supreme Court confirmation hearings.  He is perhaps best known for changing party affiliation not once, but twice during his decades-long political career.

And the Winner is…

The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union which, “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.” Odd as it may seem, this isn’t the first time that the prize was awarded to an entity as opposed to a person. Past prizes have been awarded to UNICEF, the United Nations, and Amnesty International.

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