Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 18

Happy New Year’s Eve, everybody! If you’re reading this in 2013, how great has this year been, right? If you’re reading this in 2014, it’s about time! At least 2014 still has that new year smell! Let’s see what we can find on the Internet this year.
5. Sometimes when we get ready for the future, we like to look at the past… whether that’s 2013 or 2001.
Click here to hear even more Gangnam Park.
4. Regardless, big changes-a-comin’ for 2014!
3. Why am I optimistic about the future? Simple: it’ll be a world with Kung Fury in it.
2. Then, in due time, it will re-air… with kittens.
1. Yet, as time and technology continues to pass, the Nintendo 64 will always be king supreme.
Nintendo just makes the world (and Christmas) better.
See you in a .gif, Alex
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