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PorchDrinking Playlist: The Hangover Playlist

PorchDrinking Playlist: The Hangover Playlist

We’ve all had those mornings where we’ve crawled out of bed cursing the day we allow another drop of alcohol to poison our lips.  Those days are usually wrought with lying around in bed, double digit cups of coffee, Paula Dean levels of lard laden food and a mix of chill but purposeful tunes to inspire and wrench us out of the drudgery.  Here is a hangover playlist of beautifully laid back songs for just those occasions.  So kick back, take a deep breath and begin to recoup from New Years, Vail Big Beers Belgians and Barleywines or just that random bender you had this past weekend

  1. Ben Solee-Flyrock Blues
  2. Sufjan Stevens- Romulus
  3. The National- Fake Empire
  4. The Middle East- Blood
  5. Daughter, Igor Haefeli, Ian Gri- Youth
  6. Sigur Ros- Hoppipolla
  7. Ambulance LTD- Young Urban
  8. Nick Drake- From the Morning
  9. Sufjan Stevens- Futile Devices
  10. Blind Pilot- Oviedo
  11. Joe Purdy- I love the Rain the Most
  12. The Shins- New Slang
  13. Neil Halstead- Oh Mighty Engine
  14. Jack Johnson- Sitting Waiting Wishing
  15. The Avett Brothers- When I Drink
  16. Jason Collett- Hangover Days
  17. Bon Iver- Holocene

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