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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 42

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 42
Alex Cadice

USA! USA! USA! How ‘bout our boys down there in Brazil? That was exciting. If this InterNEAT posting is half as good as that, I’ll be just as proud. Leggo!

5. Bruce Springsteen. Lee Greenwood. Toby Keith. All true American singers, but what about Sir Mix A Lot? A total universal song, but we should totally take full ownership of it, no?

4. Now this guy gets it. He’s making the most of an opportunity… Yet, my fascination with this video could be solely based on the fact that I’m flying in a couple days. #ManifestDestiny

3. And if you thought that was the only guy to max out his creativity, au contraire, mon frère…

2. WHOA! Why did I just drop a French reference in a pro-America post? My apologies. #FranceFail, to make it up to you!

1. Finally… #USA #USA #USA!

Also, good on you, Landon Donovan. Way to have a sense of humor.

See you in a .gif, Alex

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