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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 62

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 62
Alex Cadice

How we doin’, guys? I hope all is well. With the weather getting colder, I wanted to focus this week’s InterNEAT! on some weatherproof entertainment.

  1. Let’s start with the movie everyone is talking about and make its controversial plot super cute.

  1. I said weatherproof earlier. So, let’s just watch the weather on TV, but make it as awesome as the last video.

  1. If you liked the TV idea, but want to go in a different direction…

Want more? Here’s another one of their commercials from 2012.

  1. Next, we have music. We have sports. We have the No. 3 football team in the country at No. 2 because there’s only one other video that can touch this.

  1. Finally, we have Presto Flo at the top spot, mostly because he’s not going to get similar accolades in the music industry with photo shoots like these.

See you in a .gif, Alex

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