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La Socarrada Cervesa Artesanal De Xàtiva

La Socarrada Cervesa Artesanal De Xàtiva
Kristin Hubbard

In light of unexpected run-ins with old friends I found myself in an unplanned beer drinking session midday on a gloomy weathered Monday. Beer has the ability to turn those daunting beginning of the week blues into a boogie session that makes one wonder, why can’t I always start my week like this?

One of the tasty treats we shared was a Spanish ale brewed with rosemary and rosemary honey, La Socarrada. Quite a delight this was! Soft, subtle and extremely drinkable made this 6% ABV go down a little too quickly. On the nose there were notes of basil, hints of rosemary and a slight belgian yeast effervescence. The honey lent a round mouthfeel that created a slight thickness cut with a touch of lime zest on the finish. The rosemary was in perfect balance between easy drinking yet complex and cherish able. I enjoyed its subtly but also had an unquenchable love affair with its use of flavor without being overpowering. Just like the idealistic beginnings of any week, the charm of this beer gave me security in how everything could work out, and with a little extra oomph it might just be better than the last.

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