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Event Recap | Beers Made By Walking

Beers Made by Walking Cup

Beers Made By Walking is a national event that highlights unique beers only found at the festival, that were inspired by nature walks in the brewer’s home state. The Colorado edition of the festival was held last night and hosted by Our Mutual Friend Brewing Company in their next door parking lot, which seemed just perfect for an outdoor beer event such as this, several Colorado breweries were in attendance along with a few out of state folks including Stone Brewing Co, Wicked Weed Brewing, and Scratch Brewing.

The ingredients found while walking ranged anywhere from Pineapple Weed (Wild Woods Brewery) to Colorado Sagebrush (Bonfire Brewing), and Heather with Peated Malt (Wit’s End Brewing Company). There were a also a few more tame ingredient offerings such as wild raspberries and mint (Elevation Beer Co).

Highlights of the night included Spangalang Brewery’s Cucumber Gose, Wicked Weed’s Terra Locale: Brettaberry Brettaberry, Stone’s Coffee Milk Stout with Chocolate Mint, and Trinity Brewing’s Meancing Chokeberry.

A very fun, low-key, and not too over-crowed festival on a beautiful Colorado evening! It was also a great opportunity to speak with many of the brewers, which always seems very special! With the week of GABF always packed with great events, many of them happening at at the same time, it can be tough to pick, but this one has made its way onto my “not to miss” list!

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