Hi-Wire Brewing | Gose

ABV: 4.2% | IBU: 5
Recently, I’ve shared North Carolina brews that are particularly suited for the fledgling NC craft beer enthusiast. Today, I continue in that vein with Asheville-based Hi-Wire Brewing’s Gose.
Hi-Wire Brewing opened their doors in 2013, and in the very same year earned RateBeer’s Best New Brewery award. A year later, they walked away from the NC Brewer’s Cup with the most medals of any brewer. Hi-Wire is dedicated, as much as possible, to local ingredients and tapping the talent of local artists for Hi-Wire’s circus-themed artwork. As far as the beer is concerned, they are committed to crafting approachable, easily sessionable ales and lagers. Those include Hi-Wire Lager, Bed of Nail Brown Ale, Hi-Pitch IPA, Prime Time Session Pale Ale and now Hi-Wire Gose.
The gose (“gOHz” or “GO-suh”), nearly lost to humanity during the Second World War, is generally a tart ale with a distinct saltiness derived from salt or salt water, which is an essential component of the brewing process. You can also expect a light-to-medium body and crisp, citrus flavors. The actual intensity of the sourness can vary greatly among brewers. Some even approach overpowering. Others, however, are much more accessible. Hi-Wire, for example, maintains the classic gose qualities and molds them into refreshing, mellow beer.

It pours a hazy straw and smells of citrus, while the head quickly vanishes. The flavor echoes the citrus with lemon, lime and coriander in tow. The slight saltiness is due to pink Himalayan salt. You’ll undoubtedly catch some sour as well, which is, of course, great for sour fans. But if you’re still unsure how you feel about sour beers, I can assure you that Hi-Wire Gose is never so tart that it pinches your brain stem. On the contrary, it teases the taste buds.
For those still lucky enough to try their first gose, allow me to suggest Hi-Wire’s. If ever you find yourself in Asheville, be sure to stop in at the brewery. You’ll find it at 197 Hilliard Avenue.
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