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Roundtable Discussion | How to Properly Dress for an 80s Party


You’re invited to an 80s party, in particular, THIS party! Just one problem though, what do you wear? How do you properly dress for a party in the decade you made your debut? Or maybe you missed the 80s and came a little too late to experience the awesomeness. In that case, it’s even more necessary for you to read some ideas of what you will wear for the New Kids on the Block 80′s/Craft Beer Party!

Cory Pelc

Slot sunglasses for sure.

slotted sunglasses

Erin Petrey

Cory – Those are shutter shades!

This is a subject I feel very well-versed in. You can never go wrong with neon tights/leggings, leotards, leg warmers, scrunchies, slouchy sweatshirts, and all of the hair spray.

Drew Troller

The most important accessory for any themed party is the confidence to leave the house dressed that way. Especially if you need to stop for gas/a six pack on the way, and you’re seen in public.

Josh Buchanan

No matter what the climate, Jorts must always be in the conversation.

Cory Pelc

Yeah, shutter shades! That’s what I meant!

Erin Petrey

Josh, you mean Never Nudes?

Josh Buchanan

Just make sure no one mistakes it for a WMD

Erin Petrey

I really should have turned on Google Safe Search when looking for a picture Never Nudes to include in that last post.

Jason Behler

Acid washed denim for any/all articles of clothing – jacket, shirt, pants, shorts -preferably ripped. Shorts must be obscenely short. Pants must be tight. Sleeves optional on all shirts. Skinny tie is encouraged, even if shirt is sans collar or sleeves. Dangling cross earring will up the ante.

Lindsay Krumel

Definitely lots of neon, a pair of leg warmers, and of course a side ponytail secured with a scrunchie.

Spencer Mapes

One of those tri-colored flat billed neon hats for sure. Acid washed jean jacket with 80’s hair metal band patches all over, and skinny jeans with holes in both knees.

Michelle Andriano

Aptly timed, I recently found this photoo (taken on a family road trip from Chicago to Fort Collins actually)

Wish I still could rock this purple stone washed skirt. Stone wash was the best! … Not so much the mullet, but I suppose it fit the time.

Also, scrunchies and big headbands in crimped hair.

Lindsay Krumel

No worries Michelle, I was rocking the mullet too.

Philip Joyce

The brother haircut to the mullet… the bowl cut. You know errbody had one. Oh and Reebok pumps, i’m not talking about the BS they RE came out with a few years ago.

Buy your New Kids on the Block 80’s Party Tickets NOW!

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