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Renegade Brewing Company | Pancakes Maple Porter

Renegade Pancakes Maple Porter
Jared Hardy

ABV: 6%

Every year around mid-September the leaves start to change color, the air gets a crisp nip, and the shelves of your local liquor store turn bright orange with the annual onslaught of pumpkin beers. There’s nothing wrong with that; these beers have their place in my belly and my heart. But, there’s only so much gourd one man can consume. If only there were a pumpkin-free beer built for the fall. Enter: Renegade Brewing Company’s Pancakes Maple Porter.

renegade Pancakes Maple Porter

This smooth 6% seasonal porter is brewed with maple extract alongside the more standard dark malts and classic English hops. According to their website, it’s no accident that this roasty porter is released in September, stating,

“It satisfies that maple craving without being sweet. [Pancakes Maple Porter] is a great fall alternative to the pumpkin beers.”

And boy, is it.

Pancakes Maple Porter pours dark black with a thick caramel head letting you know right away what you’re getting into. It smells fantastic, with notes of maple, vanilla, chocolate and even a little burnt wood. A beer named “Pancakes” had me worried that it was going to be an overpowering amount of maple syrup, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well balanced this beer tastes. Chocolate, caramel, coffee and vanilla give way to a lingering bitterness and, of course, maple syrup. You can easily imagine drinking this while bundled up around a backyard fire pit on a crisp fall night, or with a can tucked in your favorite koozie at an early morning tailgate.

Pancakes Maple Porter is a seasonal release, available September–December. Pick up this breakfast beer in 6-pack 12 oz cans and serve them next to bacon, eggs and yep, a tall stack of pancakes.

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