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Ultimate 6er | River Beers

Ultimate 6er | River Beers

There’s no feeling quite like hearing the whir of your fly reel while the brown trout you’ve hooked makes a run—except for the feeling of drinking a tasty cold one with the fresh memory of landing that lunker. This Ultimate 6er, River Beers, keeps your thirst quenched before, during, and after a day on the water.


Cutthroat Pale Ale | Uinta Brewing Co.

Cutthroat Pale AleNamed for Utah’s state fish, Cutthroat is smooth and tasty. It’s ideal for sipping from shore while watching the fish rise.

Two Hearted Ale | Bell’s Brewery

Two Hearted AleThis delicious IPA takes its name from Hemingway’s famous short story. In the story, Nick Adams dunks his onion sandwiches in the river before eating them. You might want to say no thank you to the wet onion sandwiches and opt for a Two Hearted instead.

Trout Slayer Wheat Ale | Big Sky Brewing Co.

Trout Slayer Wheat AleFrom Missoula, Montana, this wheat ale is what you’ll want when you get back to camp. Enjoy it while you nurse your wounds from the one that got away.

Trout Hop Black IPA | Grand Teton Brewing Co.

Trout Hop Black IPAGrand Teton describes this beer as, “spicy and bold,” which means you might want to drink one before wading the whitewater to that fishy-looking hole that the other anglers consider inaccessible.

Organic Wild Salmon Pale Ale | Fish Tale

Organic Wild Salmon Pale AleNot everyone’s into the whole organic beer thing, but if it helps to keep pesticides and fertilizers out of the rivers, what could be wrong with it? Drink an Organic Wild Salmon Pale Ale after releasing that steelhead to be caught another day.

Steelhead Fine Ales | Mad River Brewing

Steelhead Fine Ales
The best way to improve a six pack is to make it a nine pack, and with Mad River Brewing’s line of Steelhead Fine Ales including an extra pale ale, a double IPA, a porter, and an extra stout, you can do just that. Drink them on the boat while searching for that secret spot.

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