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Roundtable Discussion | What not to do at GABF

Amber Dunlap

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The Great American Beer Festival may be over but the memories made and lessons learned live on, both good and bad. With a week jam-packed full with sessions and events around the city, the PD team was busy drinking it all in [pun intended]. This week’s Roundtable Discussion dives into some of those lessons learned and decisions made that won’t be repeated next year, like that last beer you shouldn’t have had in the parking lot that reserved your spot on the bathroom floor for the rest of the night… yeah, won’t be repeating that one again.

Cory Pelc

This one is easy for me. I will not attend a beer festival and then attempt to attend an evening session after that. Friday will need to be my recouping day in the week. Ooftah.

I am talking in the same day. That might have been a bad idea.

Chris Day

I won’t attend the fest without a map and list of things I want to try. It’s just way too easy to get distracted once the beer starts flowing.

John Pylant

Ohhhhh SHINY!!!!

Desiree Duzich

Wearing my heeled boots at the Thursday night session ? and walking all the way to Avanti afterwards #fashionfail #worthmeetingSamthough ?

Chris Day


Desiree Duzich

haha the price of completing my outfit choices

Chris Hollands

I would have to say ‘pre-gaming’.

Cory Pelc


Brady Akers

I think I made a lot of good choices this year at GABF (can I really say that out loud?), but I won’t miss out on all the beer dinners. The one at Colt & Gray with CSA and Cantillon sounded amazing. I also heard the Black Project dinner at Work & Class was incredible.

I also agree with Chris. I think that having a map and brewery list would help me stick with the gameplan more.

Holly Gerard

I wish I would have done more than one session this year! My only regret…

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