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Roundtable Discussion | Will Run Marathons For THIS Beer

Roundtable Discussion | Will Run Marathons For THIS Beer
Amber Dunlap

Here’s a roundtable discussion to honor marathon season and all of those crazies out there right now hitting the pavement and trails to run 26.2 miles. Although decidedly not marathoners, our PD staff weighed in on what beer would motivate them to run a marathon if it was ready and waiting for them at the finish line. Share your motivation beer in the comments section below.


Chris Hollands

Well it’s going to have to be a special beer because that is a lot of running! I’d say Toppling Goliath Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout. Go big or go home!

Cory Pelc

The Dark Gourd

I would probably run through a burning forest for this beer: Hail to the Dark Gourd – a Wheat Ale with Smoked Pumpkin and Spices clocking in at 8.6% ABV. This, like their other offerings, is only available at the brewery and a few other Minnesota watering holes.

Brady Akers

Running a marathon sounds terrible to me so the incentive would have to be great: Something big and rare. Grey Monday or Double Barrel Hunahpu would work… as long as I could walk for a majority of the race.

Tristan Chan

The same ones remain for me, Perennial’s Abraxas, New Glarus Serendipity, and Great Divide‘s Original Grand Cru.


John Pylant

I have been thinking hard about this one and have decided that it’s a good thing I view relationships and beer differently. I’m so promiscuous with my beers that I can’t even finish a six pack of good beer before starting on something else. My favorite beer is the one with beery ingredients and stuff. So, put some tantalizing Blond ale or feisty red IPA that I haven’t tried before at the end of that marathon and I will run as far as I can without getting distracted by the others on the way!

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