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Colorado Pint Day Set for April 10 by Colorado Brewers Guild

Colorado Pint Day 2024
Brian Phipps

Recently, the Colorado Brewers Guild (CBG) announced this year’s Colorado Pint Day will occur on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. The 9th Annual fundraiser is for the CBG, which is a nonprofit trade group for independent craft breweries in the Centennial State. For Colorado Pint Day, breweries from around the state will sell the limited edition glasses and the CBG will receive $1 from each one sold.

In 2023, 215 breweries sold over 29,000 glasses – a record. Coming in March, the full list of breweries selling the glasses will be shared.

“Since we launched the promotion in 2016, this statewide event has reached increased fandom over the years with beer lovers heading to their favorite local craft brewery to collect glassware to add to their collections,” says CBG Communications Manager Carrie Knose Wilson.”

2023 Artwork

2024 Colorado Pint Day Glass
Photo Credit: Rhyan Montgomery

To start, this year’s Colorado Pint Day glass is created by Rhyan Montgomery, a beertender for Ramblebine Brewing Company in Grand Junction, Colorado. See, Montgomery won a competition amongst CBG member brewery employees who submitted a design. However, the rule was designers had to use this year’s theme of “Spring Skiing and Pond Skimming.” This is the third year the Colorado Brewers Guild held the competition. Montgomery is a Colorado native and graduated from Colorado Mesa University in 2019 with a BFA in Art Education.

“As a Coloradan, craft beer enthusiast, and artist, winning this contest is a true honor,” says Montgomery. “I have followed Colorado Pint Day for the past few years and collected the glassware, admiring each of the creative designs. Winning this contest was a huge goal of mine that I now regard as one of my highest art-related achievements.”

Colorado Pint Day Details

Excitedly, the CBG is looking forward to this year’s Colorado Pint Day. Wilson says, “Not only is Colorado Pint Day a time-honored tradition but it’s also a big driver of business for local craft breweries during a typically slower season for beer.”

  • Glasses are sold only at breweries. A full list and an interactive map will be shared in March.
  • Glasses will not be shipped, offered online, or purchased from the Colorado Brewers Guild.
  • Each brewery sets its price for the glassware.
  • On April 11, the Colorado Brewers Guild will announce which locations have glassware remaining.

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