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Shutdown Archives –

Embrace the Suck | Covid-19 Crisis Editorial

April 8, 2020 |

Embrace the Suck: verb, slang, military slang. “To consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable for forward progress.”

The Embrace the Suck mantra does not suggest that we should celebrate the suck, find joy in the suck nor pretend a situation isn’t as bad as it seems. Embrace the Suck requires one to accept fully that our present situation does indeed suck, and that we must willingly accept it. We must understand that it has to suck for a while and that only by enduring can we eventually arrive at a point where it no longer sucks.

And that is where we are in the world, which includes everything attached to craft beer.
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Ultimate 6er | Government Shutdown

January 20, 2018 |

Now that the government has shutdown for the first time since October 2013, we’ll have to wait and see if this one lasts longer than 17 days. Until then, there’s really not a lot we can do but crack open some beer. Here are six beers you can drink during the latest government shutdown.

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Ultimate 6er for Your Government Shutdown

October 4, 2013 |

Well, Congress has done it again: managed to completely frak up everything. And this time, they have managed to shut down almost the entire government (yes, that thing they are supposed to keep running). So this unfortunate turn of events leaves a lot of feds and Congressional staffers sitting around at home without a paycheck. So what will they do? What will the rest of us do to support them and stand in solidarity? Why, drink beer of course! Here are some PorchDrinking pro-tips on the best beers to drink during the government shutdown:

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