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Waste your time at the Great American Beer Festival: The Strong Ale Route

Passed Out Guy
Laura VandeZande

The Great American Beer Festival has so much to offer. Below is a tasting from all over the country of exceptional beer. There’s just one problem: this route is a strong beer tasting. Though beer is poured one ounce at a time, these little droplets will mess you up. Honestly, I would not recommend tasting all of these in the same day but the options are available … well, maybe. I cannot guarantee these beers will be poured, but these are popular, so there’s a chance.

Breweries are organized by region, so I put them in general east to west order.

I tried to give a little variety. You could probably get drunk off imperial stouts within 10 minutes of walking through the convention center doors.

My honest recommendation is to talk to other people there. Beer lovers from all around the country make the pilgrimage to the Great American Beer Festival. Think about where you’re from and your favorite local breweries. Ask others where they’re from and what you should try. And while these strong ales are absolutely fantastic, please don’t get drunk in the first hour.

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