Odell Brewing Company – The Meddler

ABV – 8.9%
When it comes corked in a Belgian bottle, I’m that much more excited about trying new beers. The Meddler from Odell Brewing Company is a rendition of a traditional style Flemish ale, Oud Bruin, in which traditional yeast is mixed with bacteria to produce an honestly sour concoction. Uncorking this hibernating beast scared my roommate away from his fixation on a two-star Netflix movie, not because of fear, but because he is well in tuned with the sound of beer corks popping.
Into a tulip glass, the beer pours with an off-white, dense, two-finger head. The head dissipates quickly but leaves a nice halo of lace that follows the liquid level all the way down the glass. Deep burgundy streaks shine through the glass when held in the light. The aroma tingles the nostrils sharply but leads way for a nice bouquet of fruity caramels. The flavor of the beer follows the fragrance closely with caramel and chocolate-covered raisin flavors, prevalent but not overpowering. The beer escapes the palate with Houdini-like mystery but not before a tart, puckering bite as a last hoorah. Invite this beer to ‘Meddle’ in your evening business—the interruption will not be disappointing.
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