Roundtable Discussion: If I Had 500 Million Dollars

What would you do if you won the Powerball? 500 million dollars to be exact. What would you do with 500 MILLION dollars… well more likely 250-300 million after taxes but who’s counting? Well we decide pose this ridiculous scenario to our staff to see what would transpire.
Scott-Pay off the house, and then I’d do nothing but travel. I have a list of places I want to visit that keeps growing, so I’d try to hit up every spot on that list.
CVM- Um, well obviously my first move is to get a pet hedgehog. They are illegal in New York City where I reside, but with my new found fortune, I could easily pay for a hot shot lawyer to get me out of any legal repercussions. I would also use a portion to try to make Chuck Lorre just stop.
Mike R- Besides 2 chicks at the same time?
Coit- I’d obviously take the lump sum over the monthly payments. Put half of it in a high interest savings account, and with the rest I’d do my best impression of “Brewster’s Millions“.
Andy- This.
I’d set aside $10 million for myself, my friends, and my family… and then I’d give the rest to Joss Whedon, with the stipulation that he bring back Firefly.