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Pop Culture Week In Review- 11/9-11/16

jennifer lawrence
Liz Riggs

Let’s just call this week the week of Jennifer Lawrence, don’t you think? I mean, since she is the queen of the world and is totally all of our best friends, we should (and could!) devote this entire pop culture week in review to HER!

Jennifer Lawrence is My/Our/Your Best Friend

Sometimes, I like to think that J-Law has been my best friend since about sixth grade, where we had the same teacher and would eat our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together at lunch. BUT, I don’t really have any of the same friends I had in 6th grade, so I’m totally going with COLLEGE BESTIES. YUP. She lived in my freshman dorm and now, here we are, eight years later, BEST FRIENDS.

Oh, and also: The Catching Fire premiere was this week and she looked amazing and comforted a wonderful crying fan.

jennifer lawrence

A new short haircut too! Ah!

Catching Fire Soundtrack YUM


Have y’all heard this Lorde cover of Tears For Fears’ “Everybody Wants to Rule The World?” Oh man. Get over here now and listen to this.

Here’s the J-Law Vid Where She Comforts a Crying Fan

Other Stuff Happened, Right?

Oh! Miley Cyrus smoked weed on stage in Europe, didn’t she? Are we surprised? Are we SUPPOSED to be surprised? IS ANYTHING SURPRISING IN THIS BIZARRE WORLD ANYMORE?!?!!

Miley Cyrus From The Daily Mail

The pic, from The Daily Mail UK, is pretty wonderful. Just Miley being Miley!

The Gettysburg Address

Did you know that Louis C.K. & Stephen Colbert want to teach you The Gettysburg Address? Just imagine! What a wonderful Christmas present that would make! “MOM! Instead of buying you perfume this year, instead, I wanted to recite this wonderful historical speech for you. SHHHHHH!”
Check it out!

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