Getting A Woody | Stone Brewing Crime

Stone Brewing Crime
Style: Bourbon Barrel Aged Strong Ale with Chiles
In November, I always look forward to when Stone releases their Double Bastard Ale. This has been one I always seek out. This year they have taken it to the next level. Stone has released three different versions that have been barrel aged. First, and tamest of the trio, Southern Charred which is their Double Bastard aged in various Bourbon Barrels. The next two really take the heat up. Bringing the fire, Stone’s Crime and Punishment are aged on an insane amount of peppers. This has created one crazy set-your-mouth-on-fire experience. So join me for the hottest Woody around, as I torch my taste buds with Stone Brewing Crime. Bring on the Pain!!
Stone Brewing Crime pours a very dark copper with a thick, off-white head. Holy hell does this beer smell of peppers. Hints of fresh habanero salsa waft from the glass. The smell very much warns you of the heat to come. A small amount of sweet malt and bourbon round out the nose. The taste immediately packs a punch of heat. The sweet caramel and fruit start it off, but then your tongue is hit quickly thereafter with a large amount of heat from peppers. Light oak and bourbon round out the beer where the heat continues to linger. As your palate gets adjusted to the extreme heat, more flavors can be picked out and the earthiness shines through. Overall, this beer has extreme heat from the peppers, but is really well crafted and provides a very unique experience.
Stone Brewing Crime is a great candidate for aging. It will be very interesting to see where this beer goes with age and how the heat and peppers change over time.
WillyD Approved. If you don’t like hot then stay the F#%K away. This beer is hot and damn good.
This beer sounds awesome! I will have to try it!
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