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12 Beers of Christmas Day 3 | Schlafly Special Release Christmas Ale

12 beers of christmas
Erin Petrey

ABV: 8%

IBU: 30

The first of the many great American winter holidays has come to a close. Leftovers are still heaped in the fridge, you are justifying eating pie for breakfast, family is starting to head back to wherever they traveled from, and you’re probably eating turkey sandwiches while rubbing your belly from the ringer you put it through the night before. With Thanksgiving Day over, it is time to shift our attention to yet another great winter holiday: Christmas. I know I will be spending the day after Thanksgiving helping my family put up the Christmas tree (my Mom never passes up an opportunity for free labor during the holidays) and I need a brew that will really put me in the holiday spirit. That’s where Schlafly’s Special Release Christmas Ale fits in perfectly.

schlafly xmas

The deep butterscotch color is an indicator that what flavors lie within are warm and sweet, just like a Christmas Ale should be. The nose brings those familiar spices of clove and ginger, with a bright note of citrus, that we are looking forward to enjoying throughout the holiday season. As the label says, this is a “warming” beer, and it absolutely fulfills its promise. With each sip, you get a bit of holiday spice, a sweet bit of honey, and that warm feeling only Christmas time can bring. Or maybe that’s just the 8% ABV talking.

This Christmas Ale is the perfect accompaniment to a cozy fire, twinkle lights, crazy holiday traditions, and those cold winter nights when you need a little something to warm you up.


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