Stoudts Brewery | Stoudts Pils

Stoudts Pils
Adamstown, PA
5.4 % ABV German Pilsener
While perusing the beer distributor for the perfect “AMERICA BEAT GERMANY!!!” libation last week, it was certainly hard to stray from local Pennsylvania stronghold Stoudts Brewery. Located just south of Reading in Adamstown, PA, Stoudts is one of the oldest craft breweries in the commonwealth, going back all the way 1987 (what a good year). While it may not be as well publicized as some of the others, namely Yuengling, the selection and character of flavor is excellent. So in short sequence; parked, walked in, spotted the variety case (don’t mind if I do), checked out, boom goes the dynamite.
Another quick note about Stoudts; they certainly celebrate the European tradition. Founder Ed Stoudts mentions one of the primary reasons he got into the beer business was his desire for a good German beer without the travel. So 27 years ago, thats what they started to make, German beers. Maybe you’re beginning to see the madness in my methods.
Now with that proper introduction, lets get into the suds. In what may appear to be a rare moment of this author’s history at PD, the beer I am writing about is neither an IPA or a stout, but in fact, a pilsener. Hooray for Stoudt’s Pils, certainly one of the best in the business. Pouring out a lighter shade of straw with minimal head maintained by a nice retention of bubbles rising on the reg, this German style pilsener emits a soft malty aroma and exhibits a very sweet and light bitterness. The mouthfeel is equally light and enjoyable, especially when compared to the normal hop domination this palette is accustomed to. Perfect for long hot days of outdoor drinking while also being one of the few pilseners I would order at a bar early in the evening and late at night. I must say that the slight bitter aftertaste feels right at home compared to some IPAs but it is tough for me to compare against other craft pils on a whole since there are really only a few the dude abides by (hint: they are all brewed in PA)
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