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Great Lakes Brewing Co. | Dortmunder Gold

Dortmunder Gold
Lindsay Krumel

5.8% ABV

Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold is a staple in our fridge; my mom loves it. If that tells you anything, it’s that this beer is extremely sessionable. That’s probably why it’s been named World Champion at the World Beer Championships and Gold Medal Winner at the Great American Beer Festival several times over.

Dortmunder Gold is a Dortmunder-style lager, named after (you guessed it!) Dortmund, Germany where the style originated. According to the bottle, “In the Middle Ages this style … was so popular it required armed escorts when exported to surrounding towns.” Like other Great Lakes beers, Dortmunder Gold keeps with the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516, brewed only from barley, hops, yeast and water. And clearly, those four ingredients are enough.

It pours a (you guessed it again!) rich golden color with a thick, foamy white head that dissipates slowly and never quite subsides. The flavor profile is different from your typical Munich-style lager. It’s a little bit drier, though not as dry as a Pilsner, and although it’s malty, it’s not necessarily sweet. It also has this strangely satisfying, mild bitter finish.

Dortmunder Gold is an oldie but goodie, a classic if you will. It’s been around since 1988, and yet so many people I know have never had the pleasure. It’s easy to drink, and yet classier than that can of Bud Light, so the next time you see it on the shelf, pick up a six pack. I promise it will go perfectly with any occasion.

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